István Bakonyi is an expert on contemporary and recent Hungarian literature and a József Attila Prize-winning literary historian. In addition to the sensitive and knowledgeable preparation of studies and reviews, he has worked and works with a sense of mission in the framework of other forms and institutions of literary mediation: he conducts television portraits and discussions; he is a well-prepared moderator of important literary events.

His volumes have been published almost every year for twenty years. He is the author of a number of classic monographs by writers and poets. It is therefore gratifying that the literary writer, who is also active as the author of the VUM/Castle Street Workshop and has ties to Székesfehérvár has published this volume in Veszprém, the seat of the aforementioned journal.

 Castle Street Workshop Books 59 - Veszprém

The book is sponsored by the National Cultural Fund

István Bakonyi In the Footsteps of Writers and Poets